<< МенюDescription and characteristics

Augmented reality is at your door.
There was always something behind her.
But only now can you find out what it is.

The genre and description

Adventure, dark fantasy, popadants

The story of the protagonist begins with a strange object found in a backpack in the morning. In search of an answer, the hero goes to the St. Petersburg bar Gravity, from where he finds himself in a clearing that clearly contrasts with the bar interior. In the clearing, the hero meets a grandfather with a book, who asks him to give his granddaughter a clover amulet, explaining the situation by the fact that he himself cannot do this. And everything seems to be fine, but the hero needs to return home to feed the neighbor's hamster, so the time for walking with amulets is extremely limited. In the course of solving local problems and communication, the hero learns that the place where he ended up is not only extremely far from home, but also not quite real..

The plot of the game takes place in the lands of the Lower World, part of which is quarantined due to the advance of the dead army of Scandinavian zombies. The main character is given the opportunity to influence the course of historical events, weakening the enemy's forces with heroic deeds. The most effective way to influence the course of historical events is to hold a shield and a shovel in your hand, which can be found on the barricades of one of the levels.


Игра имеет дополнительный режим прохождения, с использованием GPS. Этот режим не основной, но такой же полноценный, как и обычный 'кнопочный', с той лишь разницей, что для перемещения героя на одну клетку вам потребуется пройти по улице. Одна клетка в GPS режиме равна 20 реальным метрам.

Описание контента для взрослых

Эта игра может содержать контент, не подходящий для всех возрастов (эротических сцен в игре нет, но бой может сопровождаться сочными описаниями). Контент в игре определяется выбранным в начале игры возрастом. При выборе возраста меньше 16 в игре зомби вообще отсутствуют (также нет понятия боя с персонажами).

Features a single-player game:

- better suited for a single pass, as the player will perform a number of tasks depending on each other and the effectiveness of the implementation depends on the understanding of the dialogues.;
- type: free;
- 7 locations;
- time of passage - from 2 hours to several days;

- management: GPS or push-button;

Multiplayer features:

- better suited for playing with friends in the yard and even unfamiliar players from other cities. The winner is the team that received the most coins for the time chosen by the Creator of the multi-game (type La sonic). Does not require as much thoughtfulness and a kind of play on the movement and the slight sense of rivalry. Perfect to spend time on weekends and stretch your legs.;
- type: free
- the number of locations is not limited;
- game time - 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour and 2 hours (optional);

- management: GPS or push-button;
- details: Multiplayer;

2 Часть игры:

- Выход второй части игры зависит от донатов, поскольку первая часть бесплатная и все расходы на реализацию и рекламму проекта создатель взял за счет своих личных средств.
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